
Arista Botha

Arista Botha is a freelance scientific writer with a background in research. She has a master’s in wildlife conservation physiology and several scientific publications. Arista worked as an associate research officer at the University of the Witwatersrand for five years while registered for a PhD. Instead of completing her PhD and pursuing an academic career, she became a writer. Her key areas of interest include wildlife, ecology, and the conservation of plants and animals.

Celebrating the African Elephant

Elephants are iconic figures of the African landscape. Their gigantic stature and unique physique make them a symbol of strength and power. Their intelligence, strong social bonds, and intricate behaviour evoke human admiration and sympathy. Their distinctive features make them a huge tourist attraction and a keystone species in their ecosystems.

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The African Wild Dog

African wild dogs are a sight to behold with their colourful coats and long, elegant legs, especially in large packs. Unfortunately, the wild dog is one of the most endangered carnivores on the continent. We find out what makes them unique and how conservation initiatives strive to protect them.

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Celebrating World Giraffe Day

With their long necks, Giraffes can browse on leaves that other browsers can’t reach. Their strong hearts ensure that they can pump blood to their brain. Variations in genetics and coat patterns suggest that there might be more than one species. However, these fascinating creatures face threats, e.g. habitat loss, civil unrest, poaching, and ecological changes.

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leopard in the wild

Celebrating International Leopard Day

International Leopard Day celebrates this elusive, spotted member of the Big Five. While leopards are widespread and versatile in their selection of prey and habitat, their numbers are declining at an alarming rate due to several threats. Several conservation projects are researching, mitigating human-wildlife conflict, and surveying population numbers to protect leopards in their remaining habitat.

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pangolin at night

The Mysterious Pangolin

Have you ever seen a pangolin? These mysterious creatures are facing severe threats to their survival, including poaching, electric fences, climate change, habitat loss and road mortality. Learn more about them on World Pangolin Day, 18 February 2023.

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Find a camp

Study wildlife conservation and accredited field guide courses at any of our pioneering African training camps, around Africa.

Enter your wildlife career. Explore our camps.

Mara Training Centre

Located on the banks of the Mara river,
the camp is nestled between communities
and wildlife conservancies.

Makuleke Concession

Explore the untamed wilderness of Kruger
National Park’s Makuleke Concession
with EcoTraining.

Mashatu Game Reserve

Located at the confluence of the Limpopo
and Shashe Rivers, in the eastern
corner of Botswana.

Pridelands Conservancy

A natural wonderland with free-roaming
elephants located in the Limpopo
Province of South Africa.

Selati Game Reserve

A sanctuary for wildlife, providing visitors
an opportunity to witness Africa’s
animals in their natural habitat.

Karongwe Reserve

A unique safari destination that offers
visitors an immersive and unforgettable

Start your wildlife career

Want to become a field or nature guide? Explore our immersive courses and training programmes for professional safari guides and guardians of nature, taught and led by experts in the industry.

EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

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