
Ryana Johnson

Ryana Johnson is an environmental scientist who primarily works in science communication. She writes for popular media, has authored and co-authored publications on Subtropical Thickets and Environmental Impact Assessments, and paints educational nature murals.

Giant Landscape Architects

Conservationists have been working for decades to find ways to keep these gigantic landscape architects safe. Elephants communicate with each other using sounds, including sounds with very low frequencies (infrasound). Elephants are so intelligent that scientists are confident they will find ways to communicate effectively with these animals in time. Infrasound is a promising way to do this.

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The Flying Fisherfolk of the Night

One of the privileges of spending time in Makuleke is the tremendous diversity of birdlife. Although not everyone who begins their journey to becoming a guide with EcoTraining is a keen birder, there are so many fascinating birds to learn about that one is almost sure to fall in love with at least one of them. Some of the most exciting birds that inhabit the region are the Pel’s Fishing Owl, the flying fisherfolk of the night.

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Rolling with the Racket-tailed Rollers

What do they sound like? How do they hunt and where do they live? Although these beautiful birds have unusual colours, a distinctive call and unique feathers, their camouflage and habits can make them hard to see when visiting Makuleke. Understanding their habits can assist us enjoy their unusual beauty.

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Celebrating International Hyena Day

Hyenas are among the most unmistakable and recognisable animals in the world but are also among the most misunderstood. They are often perceived as dangerous and dirty scavengers. Many people are unaware of their unique characteristics and that they are essential to African ecosystems.

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Find a camp

Study wildlife conservation and accredited field guide courses at any of our pioneering African training camps, around Africa.

Enter your wildlife career. Explore our camps.

Mara Training Centre

Located on the banks of the Mara river,
the camp is nestled between communities
and wildlife conservancies.

Makuleke Concession

Explore the untamed wilderness of Kruger
National Park’s Makuleke Concession
with EcoTraining.

Mashatu Game Reserve

Located at the confluence of the Limpopo
and Shashe Rivers, in the eastern
corner of Botswana.

Pridelands Conservancy

A natural wonderland with free-roaming
elephants located in the Limpopo
Province of South Africa.

Selati Game Reserve

A sanctuary for wildlife, providing visitors
an opportunity to witness Africa’s
animals in their natural habitat.

Karongwe Reserve

A unique safari destination that offers
visitors an immersive and unforgettable

Start your wildlife career

Want to become a field or nature guide? Explore our immersive courses and training programmes for professional safari guides and guardians of nature, taught and led by experts in the industry.

EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

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