
EcoTraining Quiz: Arthropods

Test your knowledge with this week’s EcoTraining Quiz!

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E-learning (Keisha)

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African wild dogs

EcoTraining Quiz: Endangered Species

Take our EcoTraining Quiz this week and test your knowledge of endangered species.
Southern Africa is home to a remarkable array of unique wildlife, but many of these species are now endangered due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation efforts are focused on protecting these endangered species, to ensure a future where these remarkable creatures can thrive in their natural habitats.

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fruit bat

EcoTraining Quiz: Bats

Take our EcoTraining Quiz this week and test your knowledge of bats.
Bats are key role-players in South Africa’s natural ecosystems. They serve as crucial bioindicators, offering valuable insights into the state of natural ecosystems. Bats serve as primary pollinators for fruiting trees, facilitate seed dispersal, and effectively regulate insect populations, which includes agricultural pest control.

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EcoTraining Quiz: Tortoises

Take our EcoTraining Quiz this week and test your knowledge of tortoises.
These shelled evolutionary wonders play an essential role in keeping their ecosystems healthy. Tortoises and freshwater turtles are important seed and spore dispersers for many plants, trees and fungi.

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