
‘Tree’mendous fun facts: Earth Day 2016 – the importance of trees

The entire theme of Earth Day 2016 revolves around the importance of trees. Most of the time we take trees for granted, and never quite realise the importance of trees in our lives.


Here are some valuable and important facts about trees:

  • Trees produce oxygen – we could simply not live if there were no trees
  • Trees play an essential role in environmental sustainability
  • They help with the fight against climate change, by absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the air
  • They prevent erosion and clean the water
  • Trees provide a habitat for animals, not to mention the nutritional value their fruits have to offer

Some more facts … on a slightly lighter note:

  • Trees can be used as cover when being chased by a lion or elephant – lions do not usually climb trees. When out walking in Big 5 game areas, the chances are good that you might run into one of these species. If you are surrounded by trees, then the best option would be to hide in the closest one. You might have some trouble when encountering a leopard, however
  • When sleeping in the wilderness, there is no better roof for the night, than to sleep under a tree
  • A tree serves as camouflage when you are on foot and faced with an elephant – situational awareness is key during on-foot guiding. Trees can become important cover when encountering dangerous game
  • It creates shade for the lazy cat species, and the shade of a tree becomes a relief during hot summer days
  • Trees make for beautiful photos

We must take it upon ourselves to look after our planet. Preserve the Earth, and we all will secure a green future for ourselves and our children. Let’s all celebrate Earth Day. Not only on 22 April but every single day of our lives.

Happy Earth Day 2016!

About the Author:
Picture of Annemi Zaaiman

Annemi Zaaiman

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