
Annemi Zaaiman

Read the latest posts from EcoTraining and immerse yourself in our natural world. Explore the wild, learn about conservation, discover our camps, join us in spotting wildlife and so much more.

Makuleke as I see it …

In this blog Vaughn will take you on a journey to the bush and make you want to leave everything behind, to get that same down-to-earth experience he describes.

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EcoTraining is about the small things; we all know this, and we truly believe it. The mechanisms evolved over millennia by the coexistence of organisms know no bounds: the relationship between figs and their wasp pollinators, the unique adaptations of an antlion larva to locate its prey and the fascinating behaviour exhibited by the polyandrous African jacana, are just some of the majesties awaiting a student on one of our courses.

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The day of the jackal

We at EcoTraining spend countless hours poring over books written by a variety of experts, to try and explain animal behaviour to prospective field guides. We have a wealth of knowledge at our fingertips on some of the most iconic animals in the world.

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False sense of security

Elephants have long since been my favourite animal to view in the bush, but the past three months have been a great test of my admiration for them. Living in the bush is an honour but wherever people and animals coexist, there will always be conflict.

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Chinese whispers

EcoTraining is pioneering a new venture with partners in China, to educate curious travellers in the delights of the natural world.

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Making a difference

Tourists spend millions of rand every year to come and visit South Africa, with a visit to the bush or a safari usually being high on their list.

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Wilderness Trail Skills course – Makuleke Concession

The group arrived at camp with loads of kit and after a brief on the trail ahead, loads of kit were left behind. Packing, unpacking and sorting commenced before we were ready to head off on the start of the trail. After the obligatory “before” photos, we headed south-east towards Lala Palm Windmill and the fever tree forest beyond. It was humid going, but fantastic being in the forest.

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Fascinating facts and beliefs about the devil’s thorn

The devil’s thorn is a common, ground creeping plant with purple trumpet-shaped flowers that is often found in the Lowveld, in disturbed areas and on roadsides. For a guide, this pretty little plants offers a great opportunity to get your guests involved first-hand in some of the more surprising and useful aspects of the African Bush.

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Find a camp

Study wildlife conservation and accredited field guide courses at any of our pioneering African training camps, around Africa.

Enter your wildlife career. Explore our camps.

Mara Training Centre

Located on the banks of the Mara river,
the camp is nestled between communities
and wildlife conservancies.

Makuleke Concession

Explore the untamed wilderness of Kruger
National Park’s Makuleke Concession
with EcoTraining.

Mashatu Game Reserve

Located at the confluence of the Limpopo
and Shashe Rivers, in the eastern
corner of Botswana.

Pridelands Conservancy

A natural wonderland with free-roaming
elephants located in the Limpopo
Province of South Africa.

Selati Game Reserve

A sanctuary for wildlife, providing visitors
an opportunity to witness Africa’s
animals in their natural habitat.

Karongwe Reserve

A unique safari destination that offers
visitors an immersive and unforgettable

Start your wildlife career

Want to become a field or nature guide? Explore our immersive courses and training programmes for professional safari guides and guardians of nature, taught and led by experts in the industry.

EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

Join our nature-loving community.