
EcoTraining’s NEW On-Demand Field Guide Course

Leading the way with a NEW On-Demand Field Guide Course

Field Guiding without constraints – that’s what EcoTraining’s all-new On-Demand Field Guide Course offers nature lovers who want to study professional Guiding but can’t get to the heart of the African bush. 

FGASA Nature Site Guide qualification modules

The new online course offers pre-recorded lectures covering all 17 FGASA Nature Site Guide qualification modules, from understanding animal behaviour to decoding the secrets of ecology and conservation management. As a whole, it serves as a comprehensive introduction to the captivating world of Field Guiding. 

three students in front of a vehicle

Photograph © Angus Begg

students in the bush looking at tracks

Photograph © Angus Begg

An on-screen nature experience

Adding to its list of successful online conservation courses, EcoTraining has proven it has the perfect teaching methods to captivate students through the magic of engaging with nature through their screens. 

A first of its kind in Africa

This online course marks a significant milestone in wildlife education, as it is the first of its kind in Africa. EcoTraining aspires to create a deep connection between people and the natural world, and with this new course, we are making it more accessible than ever before. This new platform allows aspiring field guides and nature enthusiasts to learn independently. 

“I’m excited to be able to empower a new generation of eco-conscious individuals, equipping them with the knowledge needed to become stewards of our precious natural heritage.” – EcoTraining Director Alex van den Heever.

inquisitive students looking at a spider web

Photograph © Christoff Els

close up of a spider web

Photograph © Angus Begg

The online theory component

By signing up for this exciting adventure of knowledge, participants will have the opportunity to write FGASA theory exams online. After completing the online course and theory exam, students will have achieved the FGASA theory component of the Field Guide (NQF2) course.

The hands-on practical component

Upon completing the online component, students can enrol on the 35-day practical Field Guide course at a discounted rate at one of EcoTraining’s wilderness camps. This hands-on opportunity can further enhance their skills and prepare them for real-world field guidance.

It is the perfect opportunity for students to learn at their own pace and to embark on a journey that could open doors to a world of adventure in the natural world. 

instructors and students in the field

Photograph © Angus Begg

elephant in the fever tree forest

Photograph © Angus Begg

“I already feel I can go into the industry with a contribution to add, thanks to this course. It all seemed impossible before, but now it’s real and feasible,” said EcoTraining student Liam Mueenuddin. 

Sign up for the EcoTraining On-Demand Field Guide Course today! 

For more information on our On-Demand Field Guide course, contact [email protected] or call +27 (0)13 7522532

Visit our online shop to BUY the On-Demand Field Guide course.

EcoTraining Lecture on Animal Behaviour | Lecture 1

This lecture focuses on Animal Behaviour in general – it includes how animals interact with other organisms and their physical environment. Let us take you on a journey through the beautiful world of animals. Get to know how animals operate in the African wilderness and how they are adapted to survive.

About the Author:
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EcoTraining Connect

EcoTraining, which has been in operation since 1993, is the innovator and top provider of training for safari guides and wildlife experts in Africa.

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Start your wildlife career

Want to become a field or nature guide? Explore our immersive courses and training programmes for professional safari guides and guardians of nature, taught and led by experts in the industry.

EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

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