
A wilderness Photographer who became a professional Field Guide

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“A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety.” – Ansel Adams

Meet Yannick Bindert, EcoTraining trained professional Field guide, world traveller and an inspired photographer. A citizen of the world, Yannick was raised in France, Germany and the USA. These days the EcoTraining Camp in Mashatu, Botswana is his new home. Working as a backup guide for EcoTraining, Yannick is busy gaining hours of practical experience so that he can be assessed to become a lead trails guide. When he’s not traipsing through the bush, Yannick works as a professional Photographer. He has held successful exhibitions of his photography which has an overarching nature theme.

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To be a great wildlife Photographer, one needs three main things: 1) access to wildlife. 2) sound knowledge of the craft of photography. 3) And perhaps, most importantly, a strong foundation in animal behaviour. One must be able to predict, for example, when and where a bird will fly, or when an elephant bull will throw dust on himself, or when the lions will lay down and sleep for the next ten hours. All of this knowledge leads to truly remarkable and vibrant photography.

Yannick has been photographing our natural and unnatural world for the past eleven years. It was actually a photographic expedition that led him to EcoTraining! While tightly bundled up in the freezing Svalbard wild to photograph polar bears and other arctic wildlife, Yannick realised that he wanted to fully commit to life as a wildlife Photographer. Another participant recommended the yearlong Professional Field Guide programme at EcoTraining. That was that, and Yannick signed up for the yearlong programme.

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He loved this course and upon reflection, has the following advice to current and prospective students:

“Put into it everything you’ve got. Take the courses as seriously as you can and inspire yourself, and in turn, inspire others to care about and protect this beautiful nature we got out here.”

That’s exactly what Yannick does through his field guiding and his photography.

So, to become a better wildlife photographer, Yannick chose to walk the path of the nature guide.

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To view Yannick’s work, visit his website:

Instagram: @yannickbindertphoto

Facebook: Yannick Bindert Photography

About the Author:
Picture of Kate Ochsman

Kate Ochsman

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