

Read the latest posts from EcoTraining and immerse yourself in our natural world. Explore the wild, learn about conservation, discover our camps, join us in spotting wildlife and so much more.

Rolling with the Racket-tailed Rollers

What do they sound like? How do they hunt and where do they live? Although these beautiful birds have unusual colours, a distinctive call and unique feathers, their camouflage and habits can make them hard to see when visiting Makuleke. Understanding their habits can assist us enjoy their unusual beauty.

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student sitting in the game viewer

The first 24 hours on an EcoTraining Practical Course

There’s one for aspiring professional Field Guides, taking an entire year. There’s one specifically for birding enthusiasts, taking just seven days. And there’s an extensive range of other ones in between. EcoTraining’s practical courses and experiences can cater to many different needs, but they all guarantee one thing: intense quality time immersed in nature! EcoTraining graduate Wim tells the story of his 35-day Practical Field Guide course, which took him first to Karongwe and then to Pridelands.

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group of students on a birding course

Popular Birding Book Takes Flight

The newly revised Second Edition of Robert’s Birds of Greater Kruger book was released! It is a fresh and new edition, from the introduction to new chapters, habitat descriptions, checklists, distribution maps, illustrations, and photographs—and it only took three hard years to revise.

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group of birders

A Birding Trip to Remember

On 13 May 2022, 20 participants from BirdLife KZN Midlands met at 14h00 at the Pafuri Gate north of the Kruger National Park. We loaded our gear into two game vehicles (fortunately, one with a trailer) for the 45-minute drive to the EcoTraining Camp. We were allocated our tents on arrival, as everyone was keen to unpack and get going.

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Makuleke Camp – A Moment in Time

Being off the grid, Makuleke Camp runs on solar power and gas, with backup generator power for days like today. It’s heavily overcast and drizzling today, so the generator is buzzing reassuringly in the background. The camp is in a beautifully remote northern Kruger National Park, unfenced and off the cellphone reception grid. It’s a world of its own.

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How to become a bird nerd

If you are thinking, “Why would I want to become a bird nerd?” of all the animals in the African savannah? Don’t leave me just yet. Trust me; you will not be able to fight it. I have turned many sceptics into bird nerds. Just keep reading.

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EcoTraining Quiz: Dung Beetles

Take our EcoTraining Quiz this week and test your knowledge of dung beetles.
South Africa is a haven for dung beetle species biodiversity. These industrious insects play a crucial role in ecosystem health by efficiently recycling organic matter. With over 700 different species found across the country, South Africa is a global hotspot for dung beetle diversity.

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Birding in the Bush - Ecotraining

Birding in the Bush course experience

Ask any birder to name the three best bird-watching destinations in South Africa and Pafuri will come up close to, if not at the top spot. The diversities of habitats range from two large rivers (Limpopo and Levuvhu) with the adjacent riparian forests, floodplains, ephemeral pans, mountains and woodland, each with a unique suite of plant life houses incredible numbers and species of birds.

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Find a camp

Study wildlife conservation and accredited field guide courses at any of our pioneering African training camps, around Africa.

Enter your wildlife career. Explore our camps.

Mara Training Centre

Located on the banks of the Mara river,
the camp is nestled between communities
and wildlife conservancies.

Makuleke Concession

Explore the untamed wilderness of Kruger
National Park’s Makuleke Concession
with EcoTraining.

Mashatu Game Reserve

Located at the confluence of the Limpopo
and Shashe Rivers, in the eastern
corner of Botswana.

Pridelands Conservancy

A natural wonderland with free-roaming
elephants located in the Limpopo
Province of South Africa.

Selati Game Reserve

A sanctuary for wildlife, providing visitors
an opportunity to witness Africa’s
animals in their natural habitat.

Karongwe Reserve

A unique safari destination that offers
visitors an immersive and unforgettable

Start your wildlife career

Want to become a field or nature guide? Explore our immersive courses and training programmes for professional safari guides and guardians of nature, taught and led by experts in the industry.

EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

Join our nature-loving community.