
10 Ways To Save Wildlife & Why We Should Do It!

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Given the importance of wildlife, it’s essential that we take steps to help save and protect animals. Here are 10 simple ways in which you can do your bit to save the wildlife that is around us!

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10 Ways To Save Wildlife:

  1. Preserve Habitats

A habitat is a place where living things are able to thrive, reproduce and survive.

“Habitats include places such as rainforests, rivers, wetlands, forests and prairies. In order to preserve habitats, we have to avoid polluting waters, reduce deforestation and reduce land development,” says Thomas Miller, a wildlife expert at Britstudent and Write My X.

  1. Provide Water For Wildlife

As habitats are threatened, it’s sometimes challenging for animals to find water. You can help by providing a source of safe, clean drinking water and monitoring it. If you live in a colder region, ensure you use a heating device to prevent the water from freezing.

  1. Volunteering

You can find a range of volunteering options, including programs created through dedicated organisations. You could volunteer to clean a beach or woodland or even to teach visitors about wildlife at a local animal sanctuary. You could also help rescue wild animals.

  1. Visiting Wildlife Conservations

Visiting wildlife conservation areas allows you to learn more about wildlife. Additionally, the money raised through your visit can often play a crucial role in the preservation work undertaken by conservations.

  1. Adopting Wildlife

Many wildlife organisations offer the chance to “adopt” an animal. The money that you donate or raise can then be used to support and protect a targeted species or animal.

  1. Feeding Birds And Wild Animals

During the cold winter months when food and water is scarce, it can be helpful to feed birds. However, you should avoid feeding mammals, as they may become overly dependent on food from humans or attract more dangerous predators to your yard.

  1. Grow Plants

Plants can provide essential sources of food and shelter for many animals, so prevent tree cutting and instead plant more trees. Similarly, growing flowering plants can help attract wildlife which will help to pollinate other plants.

  1. Use Products Which Are Eco-Friendly

Ensure you use eco-friendly products to reduce harm to wildlife and the environment. In particular, avoid using products which contain harmful chemicals, including fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals can become introduced into the food chain and cause great harm, including to humans.

  1. Avoid Trimming Shrubs During The Spring

Many animals and birds begin nesting and giving birth to their young during the spring, for which they rely upon trees and shrubs. You can help by avoiding trimming trees or shrubs during the spring, so as not to disturb the nesting season.

  1. Ensure Your Home Is Wildlife Friendly

Garbage can be harmful to wildlife, so ensure you secure your trash can lids. Ensure any water you have put out for animals is clean to prevent disease transmission. You can also put decals in windows to prevent animal collisions, especially birds.

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Reasons To Save Wildlife:

Promoting Biodiversity

Biodiversity is crucial for the existence of a functioning and healthy ecosystems. When wildlife is removed from their habitat, this can have a negative impact on the rest of the ecosystem upon which it is dependent. Similarly, by protecting wildlife we are also protecting the wider environment and supporting the preservation of their natural habitats.

Pollination Of Plants

Some plants rely on animals (such as birds, bees and insects) to pollinate other plants. Without wildlife, there could be a drastic reduction in food sources and medicines which are necessary for humans.

Human Benefit

As humans, we are able to learn a great deal from animals.

“We have been able to develop medicines to cure and treat a range of illnesses and health conditions from the knowledge we’ve learnt from animals. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as many as 25% of the medical prescriptions given each year contain chemicals which come from animals,” says Heather Guarino, a writer at 1day2write and PhD Kingdom.

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Want to do your bit for wildlife & the environment, why not look at the array of courses we offer: EcoTraining Programmes & Courses.

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Although very simple, these steps can make a big impact in helping to protect and save wildlife. Share your knowledge and strategies with family, friends and neighbours so that together, we can collectively protect our ecosystems and wildlife.

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About the Author:
Picture of Kendra Beckley

Kendra Beckley

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