
A Natural Partnership between EcoTraining and WildEarth

WildEarth has been operating for 13-years, it is an ecosystem of LIVE wildlife streaming, a complement of staff and guides who love what they do and a host of viewers that are passionate about our natural world. Their mission is to provide people around the world with immersive experiences in nature from the comfort of their own homes, if you cannot get on a Safari, they will bring Safari to you.

This past Sunday, the 26th April 2020, EcoTraining Instructor Tayla McCurdy joined the incredible team of WildEarth for a twice-daily live safari experience from Karongwe Game Reserve.

Karongwe Game Reserve, overlooking the majestic Drakensberg mountain range in the Limpopo Province in South Africa, is an untamed and tranquil Eden, rich in wildlife and timeless beauty. Big Five game can be viewed in this vast wilderness of 21,000 acres of land. Karongwe is also home to one of EcoTraining’s six permanent un-fenced training camps.

Join this exciting initiative during the timeslots below:


Monday to Sunday

Central African Time (CAT): 06:00am – 09:00am

East African Time (EAT): 07:00am – 10:00am

Eastern Standard Time (EST): 00:00pm – 03:00am


Monday to Sunday

Central African Time (CAT): 15:00pm – 18:00pm

East African Time (EAT): 16:30pm – 19:30pm

Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EST): 09:30am – 12:30pm

Watch the clip of Karongwe’s lion pride as encountered during one of the live streaming sessions.

EcoTraining is the pioneer and leader in safari guide and wildlife training in Africa. EcoTraining is widely recognised by the safari industry for its credibility and standard of excellence in nature guide training. We offer accredited career courses, gap year and sabbatical programmes, nature programmes, high school and university study abroad programmes, custom courses and on-site professional guide training at safari lodges.

About the Author:
Picture of Annemi Zaaiman

Annemi Zaaiman

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Start your wildlife career

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EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

Join our nature-loving community.