
Passionate about Training

As Training Manager for EcoTraining since 2020, David Havemann trains the trainers. Before this position, he was Head Instructor at EcoTraining’s Selati Camp for six years. “I do train the trainers, but I don’t micro-manage,” says David, “though I am always available for guidance.” Working six weeks on with two weeks off, ideally, David would prefer to spend half his working hours in the camps to ensure good dynamics.

Passionate about Training

“Assisting and managing instructors on the job is important,” he adds, “but I also spend a lot of time online fielding questions, and there is plenty of admin. “

David explains that one of the main courses offered by EcoTraining is the 55-day Field Guide course. This FGASA-endorsed and CATHSSETA-accredited course is the entry-level field guiding qualification, encompassing vehicle-based guiding in dangerous and non-dangerous game areas. This comprehensive course covered everything from fauna and flora – including animal behaviour and warning signs, trees and grasses – to practical skills like using a high lift jack and spotlight, tracks and signs, radio procedures and even astronomy.

Photograph © Wille van Eeden
Photograph © Keri Harvey

“As instructors, we spend the first three to four days guiding and showing students how guiding is done, and then it’s up to them to lead us while we mentor them. Many students have yet to drive a 4×4. So much to learn. What we concentrate on in the course is conducting a guided bush experience for guests in the savanna biome. Guides must be competent and engaging while identifying the natural diversity around them and interacting with guests simultaneously.”

David is examining the skull of a Waterbuck bull

Passionate about training and spending time in nature, David recommends:

“Camp life is intimate. So come out here and get to know yourself. Spending time in the African bush, you will get to know yourself a lot better, as well as the surrounding wilderness and why it’s important to spend time in places of nature. EcoTraining has a lot of diverse venues that make for wonderful experiences, and that’s also what makes us stand out from the rest.” – David Havemann

David is on a bush walk with students.

Would you like to become a Field Guide? | EcoTraining 55-day Field Guide course

Ever wanted to know what the EcoTraining 55-day Field Guide Course is all about?

Here is your chance to learn more and get an in-depth idea of what your days with EcoTraining will entail.

About the Author: 

Keri Harvey is a Travel Writer and Photographer.

For Keri, travel is life, like breathing. She is a modern-day nomad from her home in the Cape to Cairo, Abidjan to Zanzibar, into the Middle East, Europe and Asia. With about 50 countries visited date, her stories are told on blogs and websites and in over 3 000 magazine feature articles spanning over 20 years.

Previously an award-winning editor on various South African lifestyle, travel and wildlife publications, Keri has worked freelance since 2001 and published articles in over 100 magazine titles. Every day, Keri wakes up to write or to travel, and her greatest wish is to inspire people through her stories to pack their bags and allow the travel bug to bite.

About the Author:
Picture of Keri Harvey

Keri Harvey

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EcoTraining offers career and accredited courses, wildlife enthusiast courses, gap year programmes and customised group travel courses.

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