
Let the African Bush be your Teacher

Wonders of African Wildlife

Prof Sarah Fritts has come full circle, and Prof Carroll is delighted that she will
“pick up the torch and continue exposing students to the wonders of African wildlife”, as he has been doing for decades.

Elephant sighting on foot – Photograph © Keri Harvey

Prof Fritts has joined the practical part of the 1-month Online Field Guide course to learn what Prof Carroll does with his students and then to discuss with EcoTraining how to tailor an experience for her students. Let the African bush can be your teacher!

“Just like I did, my students aspire to visit Africa, so I would ideally like to do a two-week condensed version of the Online Field Guide course here on the ground in South Africa. I came to learn the material and handpick what I would like to include for students. There is not much room for moving courses around at my university, so I need to go back and figure out how to fit this in for interested students.” 

Students and Instructor David Havemann all set and ready for their game drive – Photograph © Keri Harvey

Prof Frits says she had the idea of a study abroad group in Sept 2020 while camping with friends she had travelled to South Africa.

“I like the idea of students experiencing the different experts like on the EcoTraining courses. All the students I have spoken to dream of studying in Africa. It is also my hope and vision to bring some of these students here. Some will want to stay and work in Africa, and those who return will have an excellent foundation to continue working in the US.”

“I hope that by next year, 2023, I may be able to bring students to Africa, and I am working hard on that. Some students who know what I am planning say they don’t want to graduate this year but to come to Africa next year. I am planning more of an undergraduate course, and they are so excited about the potential of next year. I am working on navigating red tape and funding to make it all happen.” 

Field Observation – Photograph © Keri Harvey

Allow the African bush to be your teacher; there are more than the wildlife, diversity and culture experienced in Africa, Prof Fritts says:

“There is much to take back home after being in the field here. There’s plenty to take back to jobs in the USA. The EcoTraining courses are extremely well put together, the instructors know how to teach to keep things exciting, and they have excellent field skills. Being in Africa teaches independence and self-accountability, teamwork and tolerance. It’s not just about knowledge and fieldwork, but personal development too.” 

EcoTraining FREE Lecture on Animal Behaviour | Lecture 1

This lecture focuses on Animal Behaviour in general – it includes all the ways animals interact with other organisms and their physical environment.

Let us take you on a journey through the beautiful world of animals. Get to know how animals operate in the African wilderness and how they are adapted to survive.

EcoTraining offers a large variety of wildlife courses, including online learning opportunities. Visit our website for more information on the Online Field Guide Course, or contact us at [email protected] to book your spot on the upcoming course starting 18 January – 10 March 2023.

About the Author: 

Keri Harvey is a Travel Writer and Photographer.

For Keri, travel is life, like breathing. She is a modern-day nomad from her home in the Cape to Cairo, Abidjan to Zanzibar, into the Middle East, Europe and Asia. With about 50 countries visited date, her stories are told on blogs and websites and in over 3 000 magazine feature articles spanning over 20 years.

Previously an award-winning editor on various South African lifestyle, travel and wildlife publications, Keri has worked freelance since 2001 and published articles in over 100 magazine titles. Every day, Keri wakes up to write or to travel, and her greatest wish is to inspire people through her stories to pack their bags and allow the travel bug to bite.

About the Author:
Picture of Keri Harvey

Keri Harvey

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