
Say no to nothing

Of the EcoTraining 1-year Professional Field Guide course, he says:

“It was everything and more. I met incredible people far from home but with a big shared interest. Our group had students from nine different countries, and we had a blast.”

Rufus and his fellow students in Makuleke
Rufus and his fellow students from different countries – Photograph © Cameron Clements

Rufus has visited most EcoTraining camps in Southern Africa and says Mashatu in Botswana is his favourite.

“I am not spiritual, but it felt spiritual there. I can’t explain it. It wasn’t just the place’s natural beauty; it was something more.”

Rufus and his fellow students out on their game drive – Photograph © Vinicio Herrera

His advice to prospective EcoTraining students is as follows:

“Do it. Don’t dither. The best advice I received was from my younger brother. He said: ‘Say no to absolutely nothing’.”

 And so the world is wide open to welcome him.

Bush walk in Makuleke
Rufus Cottrell as backup, together with some EcoTraining students on a bush walk in Makuleke – Photograph © Keri Harvey

How to become a Field Guide | EcoTraining Professional Field Guide

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Here is your chance to learn more and get an in-depth idea of your year with EcoTraining.

About the Author: 

Keri Harvey is a Travel Writer and Photographer.

For Keri, travel is life, like breathing. She is a modern-day nomad from her home in the Cape to Cairo, Abidjan to Zanzibar, into the Middle East, Europe and Asia. With about 50 countries visited date, her stories are told on blogs and websites and in over 3 000 magazine feature articles spanning over 20 years.

Previously an award-winning editor on various South African lifestyle, travel and wildlife publications, Keri has worked freelance since 2001 and published articles in over 100 magazine titles. Every day, Keri wakes up to write or to travel, and her greatest wish is to inspire people through her stories to pack their bags and allow the travel bug to bite.

About the Author:
Picture of Keri Harvey

Keri Harvey

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